A Week of Celebration

I’m feeling great and I’ve got my ‘mojo’ back (uh oh, best be careful now!). I always find the first year after having a baby my sex drive takes a total dive; what with all the extensive breastfeeding, sleep deprivation and recovery time (I don’t have easy births!). But, thankfully my hubbie is the loving, tender type and we make sure to keep the intimacy.

Little SJ (daughter no. 2) is now two. Hubbie and I are loving our little family and our relationship is feeling so strong. We’ve returned to our courting days, taking a little fun when we can. Living with two little’uns in our house is a little like trying to be sneaky with your boyfriend in your parents house! When we finally caught a moment the other night we weren’t completely alone – our voyeuristic cat positioned himself in prime view.

I’m currently sat typing with cat number two on my lap – fighting off her incessant need for affection (she keeps trying to commandeer my fingers whilst I type – and when I push her off she digs her claws into my thighs – nice!).

Hubbie is sat playing melodies on the piano and a wee glass of bubbly is fueling my euphoric state (geez, I really need to be careful or number three will be on his/her way).

DD1 (Charlotte) is back at Kindi and loving it, DD2 is thriving on her one-on-one time, and I’m actually on top of the house-work (how very exciting!) thanks to DD2’s return to a day-time nap (hoping that lasts!).

Dan’s Birthday on Tuesday (the girls and I made a cake – it wasn’t pretty, but it tasted good and we got 100% for effort!) and Valentine’s has made for a fun week of celebrations and life feels, oh, so gooooood!