A Special First in Taupo

Our first day in Taupo was pretty special. The girls were so excited to see their Grandma and Grandad and gave beautiful, heart-warming, unprompted hugs. We spent a lovely morning at the delightfully quaint Lilliput Fun and Animal Park.

It was here that Grandma and Grandad enjoyed a rare treat to experience a first for both the girls – riding horse-back (strictly speaking it was donkey back for Charlotte!). One of the down-sides of living on the other side of the world with little’uns is that family get to miss out on so many ‘firsts’; but this was a special moment for the memory box.

Charlotte also found the courage to hand feed a deer and discovered that years of tender trepidation were ill-founded when all she experienced was a gentle tickle and a dirty hand!

Sophie was happier with Thomas and ‘Tractor Tom’ (and frequent requests for ‘baaboo’! – I’m hoping it was all down to the extremely hot weather and not an ongoing habit – as I’m not going to put up with too much more ‘boob’ grabbing down my shirt!).

And when we’d finished feeding the animals and chatting with the cockatoos it was time for Daddy to work on those biceps with a little towing!