Roses in Bloom

The roses at Wellington’s Botanical Garden are in full bloom and the girls adored running in and out of them. They loved playing hide-and-seek and collecting a rainbow of fallen rose petals (though of course Sophie is yet to master the tactics of the first game and still needs careful guidance to ensure she doesn’t actually yank off the growing blooms!).

It brought back fond memories of Chinese Grandma‘s visit and ‘Chicken’ Grandma‘s visit – around the birth of our precious Sophie Jade on Boxing Day 2005. Though one memory of Charlotte having a tantrum and refusing to put her nickers back on after watering the flower beds wasn’t so welcome! Chinese Grandma saved the day by wrapping Charlotte in a blanket, carried her towards me, laughing her head off and ensured all the onlookers had a good laugh too!

After a pleasurable stop at ‘The Picnic Cafe’ and making a wish at the little water fountain in The Begonia House we went to ‘Moore Wilsons ‘ to stock up on some grub for dinner…!

I can’t say I was game enough to take one of the above sea creatures home with us! They brought about quite a few questions from Charlotte, ‘Are they dead? Why are they like that?’. I guess they didn’t really resemble fish-fingers! As for the Crayfish – Sophie was in awe, though a little scared, saying, ‘Mummy, huggle, I scared!’. To think there’s plenty of local divers that visit the South Coast every weekend to fish up their own catch for dinner!

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