From Snow to Surf: Happy 70th Aunty Olga!

We woke this morning to an e-mail from ‘Chicken’ Grandma and Grandad (because they make brilliant animal noises on the telephone!) with photographs of them in the snow and Grandad having some beers with his big sister, Aunty Olga, on her 70th Birthday.

Grandad Aspinall is one of seven and they are all absolutely brilliant (and no, I don’t have to say that, it’s totally from the heart!). What is particularly wonderful is that everyone one of the seven is still in their first marriage and I was so fortunate to grow up in such a united and very, happily family. Living so far away it’s really hard at times to not be able to share in the multitude of family gatherings. However, with young children it’s also a blessing; as the thought of traveling on the motorways in the UK for unknown hours is not very appealing!

From Chez Lee, Happy Birthday Aunty Olga!!!! Thank you for being such an incredibly wonderful Aunty and being the anchor of love and harmony for the Aspinall clan. You really are an inspiration for us all on the true meaning of family values. Even though I’m now living on the other side of the world, with my own little family, the impression you left on me in my tender years has left its mark. We naturally drank (heavily!) to your good health on your Birthday and wish you many more happy Birthday’s to come. BIG HUGS and kisses from us all.

After such a heartwarming e-mail we headed to Kindi. It was my ‘parent help’ day today and it was a joy to be there. The teachers do an incredible job to manage so many young children and I’m always in total awe of them. We enjoyed a wonderful morning and returned home for a rest from the mid-day sun before heading down to Lyall Bay beach for some fun in the surf.

The girls are LOVING the sunshine. It’s been a while since we’ve been able to enjoy the beach at its best. The southerly wind has rested its onslaught (for the time being!) and we stayed on the beach till 6.30pm (oooo, that’s late!). The girls could have happily stayed till the sun-set. They were loving running in and out of the waves, drawing gigantic pictures in the sand and trying their hand at boogie-boarding. I really would have loved to have gone for a swim myself (even though the water was a tad cool!), but my little charges kept me extremely occupied! Poor Sophie took one tumble for the worse in the surf; but regained her smile after a warm rub down and change of clothes.

The only down-side of the late summer sun is the late bedtimes! We’re averaging 9pm before the girls are completely away with the fairies. Occasionally they take a lie-in, but most days they are up at 7am. Desperately needing our own time we end up staying up far too late… ah well, c’est la vie. That’s why I heave a sigh of relief when the clocks go back in March, light the candles, warm the hearth and celebrate the onset of winter and early bedtimes (at least for the children!). But, in the meantime, let’s celebrate the summer!