On Wednesday morning my friend Marrisa and I ventured out for a dose of art therapy. It was so great to put ourselves first (for a change!), even though we were accompanied by Bethany and Sophie, and take in some stunning local photography. We visited the Westpac St James Theatre, on Courtenay Place, to view Wellington Photographic Society’s exhibition.
Prior to the exhibition we’d fueled up on coffee, where Sophie got the idea into her head that there was going to be a cow at the exhibition (?!). Sophie’s isn’t too keen on cows, having been really frightened by a moving head of a cow at ‘The Golden Days’ theatre at Te Papa! As a result she insisted I ‘huggle’ her and her baby doll (Hannah). At the exhibition there was clearly no cow’s head, but still she kept checking with me, ‘Cow? Sophie scared! Mummy huggle!’.
When I suggested we open the doors to the theatre and take a peek inside she was obviously extremely relieved that there was no cow!
In the ‘avo we were again graced with the delightful company of Marrisa and Bethany and carried on the art theme with a touch of face painting. Marrisa, forever with camera in hand, came up with these beautiful close-ups of the girls at play: