Antarctica Comes to Kindi!

A recent Antarctica presentation at Kindergarten has fuelled our home activities this week. The wonderful presentation (as I am told by Charlotte) has inspired her to examine wildlife from around the world. I understand the presenter was Australian, as some native animals from that continent have found their way out of the cupboard, along with penguins and polar bears.

Charlotte had recently seen the movie ‘Happy Feet‘ (which both she and her sister, Sophie, love to dance and sing to!) and the first movie she ever saw was ‘March of the Penguins‘ (National Geographic Documentary). Charlotte is in awe of the Daddy penguin’s responsibility to take care of the precious egg, whilst Mummy penguin goes fishing (the March of the Penguins website includes wonderful video clips and a children’s activity guide download).

She also enjoys ‘Lars the Polar Bear’ books (Hans de Beer) and has learned that Polar Bears only live in the Arctic.

She has remarked on the environmental concerns regarding Antarctica and the Arctic, ‘Mummy, why are there not always enough fish for the animals that live there?’.

She also has some basic idea of how pollution is changing the environment, ‘Mummy, we really should walk more often and not drive the car.’

We have discussed the types of penguins that live in Antarctica and the different species that live in New Zealand.

She has told us of some of the ‘iceberg’ creations children having been making in Kindergarten and has been wanting to create ice all week (perhaps some ‘ice carving’ will be an activity for us next week!).

It is wonderful when Kindergarten and home life activities intertwine like this. I know it gives Charlotte a true sense of belonging at Kindergarten.

Antarctica links:
Classroom Antarctica
Antarctica: Journey to the Frozen Continent
Zoom School: Antarctica
Antarctica Online