South Headland Reserve, Houghton Bay

From the South Headland Reserve Charlotte and Dan enjoyed some stunning scenery over Cook Strait to the South Island. We’ve lived in Houghton Bay for nearly a year and it was the first time we’d explored this reserve, which is only a five minute walk from our home (shame on us!).

View towards Island Bay:

Hold your mouse over the map to manipulate it and explore the area further!

Whilst Sophie and I tucked up and enjoyed a nap, Charlotte and Daddy set off to explore (Charlotte put on her ‘climbing gloves’ just in case any scrambling was required!). It looks like quite a steep ascent, but the views certainly made the walk worthwhile.

They found a little bench to rest and enjoy the panoramic views and had a birds-eye view of a wedding taking place at Princess Bay beach:

After such an energetic walk Charlotte still had energy in those little legs, so Dan took her past the Houghton Valley playground for some more climbing and hanging upside down like a bat!

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