Sunday Fun on Wellington’s Waterfront

A beautiful sunny Sunday in Wellington and the girls were pushing us out the door as soon as our teeth were brushed. First stop, Frank Kitts Park playground (and ice-cream and coffee – the latter for the adults – at 9.00am!). The BIG slide is always a hit with Charlotte (and is as thrilling as a high-adrenaline ride at a theme park).

We meandered along the waterfront, past the Lagoon and into Civic Square, where Capital E’s free indoor ‘Playground’ is always a great place to linger a while with little’uns. After a few puzzles, hoop slinging, lego building and chalk drawing we were getting hungry and headed for Katipo Cafe (Katipo is New Zealand’s only poisonous spider). The food and coffee was ravishingly good and the colouring books and plastic tiger were a huge hit with the girls. The music stirred up plenty of good memories and we left with a good vibe in our steps.

Getting close to nap time, so we made our way back to the car, but called in at ‘Time Zone’ (an indoor arcade) in Manners Mall for a sensory overload. In the old days a coin would do, but these days a swipe card operates the machines. High scores are rewarded with tickets and at the end of a play session they are cashed in for prizes! Charlotte was delighted with her wind-up airplane!

I always struggle to leave Wellington City without a little retail therapy and I came away with a couple of bargain cushion covers from Mr Thank You in James Smith Market, as well as some special tea (we managed to escape without Sophie wrecking the china wear) from ‘T Leaf‘ (Charlotte insisted we took in the heady scent of at least twenty teas before making a decision!). Our tea of choice – ‘Pina Colada, flavoured green tea’.

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