The look of relief in stay-at-home parents faces is universal – relief! Finally, a respite to the terribly inclement weather and some sunshine to free us from house-bound, stir crazy children. Fortunately Wellington does have some great indoor spots, but how many months of visiting the library, museum, indoor play venues etc. can one take? Children have a need to burn off steam in the fresh air. Their bones crave sunlight, as does their spirit. Thankfully, the sun came out on Sunday and stayed (counting three days at the time of writing…).
I didn’t hesitate to make the most of the sunshine and first call was the Botanical Garden to see the roses. I think Charlotte and Sophie found my enthusiasm a little over the top and in a few years will be telling me, ‘Okay, Mum, we get the picture, the roses do smell great and yes, they are beautiful, but do you really have to wave your arms around and sing like it’s a Sound of Music remake!’.
After the sweet smell of summer in the gardens we were in need of some fresh sea air and an afternoon walk was greeted with stunning views and glorious sunshine. Today I managed to take the girls to three different play-grounds in one morning – definitely making up for being seriously couped up inside all last week!