Look! No hands! Approaching 11 months

Look! No hands! This weekend I will be 11 months old and standing up with no hands is a major achievement for me. I am so proud of myself! I’m cruising the furniture, walking with my ‘walker’ and desperate to ride a trike like Charli (I want to ride before I can walk!).

So, life is all good for Sophie Jade (despite having Chicken Pox – luckily very mild and I was totally oblivious to the whole thing!). The sun has finally come out and I’ve been enjoying splashing around in the paddling pool and eating icecream (with 6 teeth and one cutting through!).

Sister Charli is keen to take me by the hand and go ‘walkies’. She thinks she has a firm grip on me, but I’m taking notes and with the rate I am growing she better watch out!