Fathers’ Day started with a rude 5.00am awakening courtesy of Charli, who happened to be out on the tiles the previous night till a near-record 10pm! I should have sensed the omens were going to be good though because I just brought brought her downstairs, popped her onto the (big) sofa where she promptly fell back asleep – with me curled up on the other (far too small to sleep on) sofa.
The day kicked off for real at 7am, and it wasn’t long before Charli and I had visited the local supermarket and chomped through a whole pack of croissants. Yum!
That followed by a nice walk with everyone down and around “The Point” (where incidentally they are proposing to build an aquarium) polished off by a quick play at the Castle Playground.
Back to the house for a vigorous bounce on the trampoline and then the routine, erm, 60 minute drive for sleeps. Except it didn’t work today for little Charli. Plan B: A drive-through Maccy Dees. So we got the grub, headed off back home, hoovered it up, and Sarah headed off out with Charli for another brave attempt to get (the now knackered) Charli off for a nap.
Ian, Violet and their children then came round for the inaugural Hungerford Road BBQ. A $119 Warehouse special – absolute bargain.
I polished Ian off 4-2 at 301 darts (a present I thought I’d treat myself too), as well as a six pack of Italy’s finest Peroni.
Speaking of polishing off, you should have seen Sophie at the BBQ (and before) – she is officially the new BurgerMuncher – never a happier little angel than my Sophie
My girls are good to me.