I’m fast approaching 8 month’s old and I have decided it’s time to put down the books and get moving. It’s time to assert myself and get to where I want to go, without having to hold up my arms in a plea to be carried and then, depsite my best grunts for directions, not ending up where I want to be.
Here I am working out at the local swimming pool in an attempt to build up some muscle for movement…
But all this working out takes alot out of a girl and so I spend much of my free time eating and sleeping. I am slowly progressing, managing to turn around 360 degrees on my bottom and am beginning to pull my bottom off the ground (when there’s something close by to heave myself up on!). However, my attempts to move are quite risky business and I have done some spectacular ‘face plants’ and back drops (ouch!).
On the ‘development’ front I am now saying ‘ma, ma’ and ‘da, da’, have started to wave hello and goodbye and like to pass things back and forth, playing the ‘ta’ game. I love to feed myself and getting messy is great fun!