Six months and sitting pretty

On turning six months I have really got the art of sitting pretty sussed.

Now I just need to work out how to move, so I can catch Simba’s tail!

Meanwhile, I’m very busy trying new foods and am already taking finger food. I love slices of kumara, carrots, munching on bananas and being fed mince meat, peas… the list goes on. I have a big appetite, but no one has a clue where I put it, as I’m a petite charmer who loves cuddles.

Here I am with my sister munching on marmite on toast…

We’ve had some terrible weather this past month, but on the sunny days we’ve not wasted any time in getting out to enjoy ourselves. I love playing with Charli at the playground and she always has me chuckling. I delight in watching her climb and play ‘peek-a-boo’ through the tunnels. I love to play on the sea-saw and laugh at Charli on the swings.

As always, we love the weekends. They are never long enough and Daddy time is so precious. Here’s a photo of Daddy and I at Staglands.

We have been very busy as we moved into our new home on 12 July and I now have my own room. Mummy is now playing ‘musical rooms’ as she gradually weans me off some of my night feeds (as I did get rather used to having Mummy on tap, whilst I was in the same room as her in the old house!). I was probably feeding every two hours!

But all Mummy’s hard work at settling me into my new room might take a little bit of work, as my poos have increased in frequency again… uh oh, more teeth on their way perhaps?!! Tee hee, a babies life is full of firsts!