We’re selling up and moving on, the Beanie Gals are hard at work. We had our first ‘Open Home’ on Sunday and myself and the girls are hard at work keeping the house ‘sparkly’ for prospective buyers.
Tons of clutter (I prefer to call it ‘treasures’) has been put into storage, the floors have never looked so shiny, the tables so polished and the beds so ‘dressed’. I have an excuse to buy freshly cut flowers every week and frequent all the local cafes (as, unsurprisingly, the more I can keep the children out of the house, the cleaner it stays).
Sophie is right into her ‘solids’ and with a keen taste for all things orange (carrot and pumpkin are going down… and coming out well!), there is a ton of extra washing.
Charlotte is becoming quite an accomplished cleaner and has enjoyed showing painters, gardeners, builders and agents around the house (and learning at thing or two at the same time).
So… if anyone is looking to buy a house, check it out –
Of course, we’ll be sad to leave the view, but we can’t wait to be in walking distance to the beach and enjoy more space. We’ve had so many happy memories in this house, but it’s time to move on, so we will bid it a fond farewell (including Charlotte’s placenta, which is buried in the garden!) and look forward to making more happy memories in our new home.