‘Ha, ha, ha, ha, he, he, he, I’m floating up to the ceiling!’
‘Cannon bit again, please, block ears!’
I love Mary Poppins and laugh so much I float up to the ceiling. I love to dance and sing and here’s a photograph of me dancing with my shadow at Oriental Parade one sunny day (I was looking for a chalk drawing to jump into).

I’m having fun playing with my little sister Sophie, who’s getting really good at grabbing things now and I love to make her laugh. We have been stuck inside this week, with the rain and wind, but last week was still lovely and sunny and we played at the beach.

I love to count everything and am trying to read. I also love to make up stories and songs. On wet days I love to draw, paint and cut things up (I make LOTS of mess cutting up bits of paper!).
I also enjoy talking to Grandma and Grandad on the telephone and watching them on the computer.
Ta ra for now! xx