I’m a big sister now!

Finally, Mummy’s tummy has shrunk to a wobbly jelly and my baby sis, Spohie Jade (“I’m not keen on that name!”) has arrived. Mummy has told me babies choose their own names and if I don’t like Sophie then I can call her my own special name – perhaps Thomas!

I’m feeling mixed feelings about baby’s arrival, which Mummy says is normal. I do enjoy helping to bathe, massage and change baby and am enjoying lots of special time with Daddy. Sophie sleeps lots, so I get lots of time with Mummy too, though I’m a little jealous when Mummy feeds Sophie. Mummy offers to read me special stories when she’s feeding baby.

I had a fun morning with Grandma (and ate a good breakfast and some Thomas chocolates as a treat!), whilst Mummy and Daddy were in hospital, and Mummy came back the same day, so wasn’t away long.

Mummy is getting better (though has an ‘owy’ bottom!) and has started to get out the house again. We had our first ‘Family Lee’ outing on New Year’s Eve, when we enjoyed a lovely morning in the Botanical Garden and then spent the afternoon swimming (baby Sophie and Mummy watched). Yesterday, we went to a farm and I loved feeding the animals. Sophie slept most of the time and so I enjoyed lots of love and attention from Daddy, Mummy & Grandma.

Baby Sophie sleeps lots and lots, so I get plenty of fun time with Mummy and Daddy.

Anyway, best get going, off for a swim with Daddy this morning!


P.S. I have taught Baby to stick her tongue out and grip my finger! She’s also learning to hold her head up without wobbling it around like jelly!